High Quality Leadership Questionnaire (HQLQ)

Step 1 of 3

Screening Questions

This questionnaire will help to describe your leadership style. To begin, please complete the six (6) demographic questions on this page below. You may choose "I choose not to answer" for any (or all) demographic survey question(s). It will take you about 4 minutes to complete the HQLQ. You will be asked to judge your level of agreement to each descriptive statement. The multiple choice response layout remains consistent throughout the questionnaire. However, please note that questions are phrased in both a positive and negative context, so please read each question completely before responding.

Write "I choose not to answer" if you do not wish to answer.
2. What is your gender?
3. What is your ethnicity?
Write "I choose not to answer" if you do not wish to answer.
5. What is your education level?
6. Which of the following best describes your principal industry?